A day of water and sun...
"Lost at Sea" (acrylic, 20x20") |
"By The Light of the Silvery Moon" (acrylic, 20x20") |
June 5 was a glorious, hot Saturday! I needed to be inspired. Sitting near the water docks of Lake Michigan provided a plethora of inspiration! These two paintings were created among the quiet, friendly hustle and bustle of people enjoying wind and water, drinks and dining. I thoroughly enjoyed explaining to adults and children alike what I was creating. One family joined me, after receiving some art supplies at Milwaukee Art Museum, with two of their young, very intrigued children by sitting with me and asking how to draw a birch tree. What began as a quick little exchange turned into a full blown art lesson, finished of by a completed acrylic painting on paper or a colorful birch. It was truly an enjoyable afternoon!